Recruiting in Bruschi, interview with Paolo Rastelli

by Vera Agostini March 10, 2020


Below an interview with Eng. Paolo Rastelli, CEO of Bruschi, about recruiting and talent attraction initiatives of the company.


Which are the main initiatives, in terms of recruiting and talent attraction, in Bruschi?

In the last years, Bruschi has embarked on a path aimed at reforming recruiting strategies and establishing solid bounds with the territory and its schools with a view at creating partnerships with the company that will develop over time.

 The goal is to become a reference point for local schools by offering, above all to technical institutes and scientific universities, infrastructures and resources that allow students to live training experiences able to bring them closer to the world of work.


How the collaboration with schools has been developed?

Over the past year we developed PCTO training, the training for the transversal skills and orientation, that has replaced school-to-work alternation, in all company departments. We therefore made ourselves available to welcome young people from different institutes in all our office: not only production and design, but also administration, marketing, logistics and quality office. In this way, we have attracted students form different fields of study by offering them specific training declined on their specific studies.

Our activities with schools do not end here. In fact, accordingly to the aim of addressing a large and varied audience of students, we have undertaken two other important initiatives. Firstly, during 2019, our die-casting experts introduced the company to different classes by participating in meetings organized by schools. Moreover, during 2020, we will host educational visits to allow students to discover not only the die-casting production process but also an important production reality in their territory.


Does Bruschi collaborate also with universities?

Yes, Bruschi has been collaborating with universities for some years now. We have started a series of collaborations with the Polytechnic University of Milan, but also with other realities, to host bachelor and master degree undergraduates in our plants.

University students, in Bruschi, carry out curricular and extracurricular internships, often aimed at writing the degree thesis. In this case, as with schools, enrichment is always mutual.

If you wish to deepen these themes, we recommend clicking on this link to watch an interview (in Italian) of Eng. Rastelli broadcasted by Telelombardia in 2019.


On the recruiting level instead?

Lately we reformed our hiring process thanks to the inclusion of a dedicated person who is in charge of interviewing all candidates for a position in Bruschi. Until recently, this practice was not standardized for all company departments but, with a more personal touch to selection and first contact the results were not long in coming.

Lastly, we have recently responded to an internal need. In Bruschi, in fact, “internal applications”, that is applications from employees’ friends, relatives and acquaintances have always been proposed. To give an answer to these spontaneous applications, we have created a page reserved for employees through which it is possible to propose CVs for the various company departments. Like all the initiatives created to answer a question that is already existing, the page has been quite successful.


What is the future of recruiting in Bruschi?

As always in Bruschi we try to act on several fronts to test different strategies and then consolidate those that are successful. At the moment, several digital projects are being studied to make or recruiting and talent attraction activities even more performing. The basic principle according to which to move, which is also part of our corporate philosophy, is to be ahead of times trying to predict the new technologies to implement and test them promptly.


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